Bethany Lutheran Church
LaPorte, Indiana

We Live, We Love,
We Serve
Church is about community.
Jesus taught his disciples that they needed to go out to the people. The church was all around them.
He came to seek the lost.
It wasn’t about building a church membership,
it was about making sure everyone knew about Jesus.
Church is all around us, it is where we live, work, play, and serve.
It is our community.
Church isn’t just for Sunday!
At Bethany we try to live that out - loving and serving the community that we are a part of in meaningful and impactful ways.
Like Jesus.
What We Believe
Getting Specific!
we are created and loved by the one and only true God. God reveals Himself to us in Holy Scripture as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three persons and yet one God.
that in the beginning God created the entire universe and everything in it by the power of His Word.
that God loves all people and desires an intimate relationship with all of us. However human beings, have broken that relationship with God by our sin, which means “missing the mark” of what God intended. God is perfect and nothing imperfect will be a part of His plan. We would be in an eternity of trouble, except ...
that, in spite of our sin, God continues to love us. Because of His love, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to rescue us from our lost condition. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified and died in our place (Good Friday), and raised again on the third day (Easter Sunday).
that the Holy Spirit, through the Means of Grace - His Word in Baptism and Holy Communion, draws us into a faith relationship with God whereby we receive forgiveness and the gift of eternal life, restoring us to a beautiful relationship with our Creator! The Holy Spirit also strengthens our faith through these same Means of Grace.
that the Bible is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, giving us truth through the original manuscripts. These Scriptures are the sole source of our teaching.
that through the church God equips and empowers believers to serve Him by serving others and sharing the good news about Jesus.
a Lutheran congregation, that is a part of a movement that began in the Reformation and continues to apply God’s work to faith and action in today’s world, We share with others in the Lutheran movement the same commitment to the Bible as inspired, true Word of God and that the Lutheran Confessions are a correct exposition of the Bible.

Staff Connections
Dennis H. Meyer
Casting the vision, leading the charge, and sharing the Gospel with passion and purpose as the Executive/Senior Pastor since 1987.
Business Manager/
Outreach Director
Carey Garwood
Connecting the church with the greater community by serving and sharing God's love for his people in creative ways since 2006.